Kotor Vertical EXTREME 2023

Nedjelja, 2. April 2023. godine
Stari grad Kotor
Organizator: Multisport Akademija Mayer
Kontakt: info@mamayer.com , +382 69 419 828
Za pregled prijavljenih učesnika Kliknite ovdje 
Odabir trke ({{ reg.base.price|number:2 }} EUR)
Lični podaci
Dodaci (+{{ getOptions()|number:2 }} EUR)
{{ opt.name }}
{{ opt.description }}
{{ var.name }} (+{{ var.price|number:2 }} EUR)
{{ var.quantity || 0 }}
Vrsta plaćanja
Završni korak
Ovo je posljednji korak, molimo provjerite unešene podatke, pročitajte uslove učešća, i potvrdite na dnu stranice!
Lični podaci:
Učesnik: {{ reg.profile.first_name }} {{ reg.profile.last_name }}
Ekipa: {{ reg.profile.relay_name }} ({{ reg.profile.relay_members }})
Pol: {{ reg.profile.gender == 'M' ? 'Muški' : 'Ženski' }}
Godište: {{ reg.profile.birthyear }}
Klub: {{ reg.profile.club }}
Grad: {{ reg.profile.city }}
Država: {{ reg.profile.id_country }}
E-mail: {{ reg.profile.email }}
Telefon: {{ reg.profile.phone }}
Za plaćanje:

1 x {{ reg.base.name }}
{{ reg.base.price|number:2 }} EUR
{{ var.quantity }} x {{ item.name }} - {{ var.name }}
{{ (var.quantity*var.price)|number:2 }} EUR

{{ getPrice()|number:2 }} EUR
-{{ getDiscount()|number:2 }} EUR
Obrada registracije:
{{ (getTotal() - getPrice() + getDiscount())|number:2 }} EUR
Za plaćanje:
{{ getTotal()|number:2 }} EUR
Uslovi učešća:
ME   |   EN
Kotor (stari grad) -> greben Pertingrad
Dužina: 2.8km
Visinska razlika: 1007m
Strava segment: https://www.strava.com/segments/31029854

NEDJELJA, 2. April 2023.
08:00-10:00 Preuzimanje startnih paketa - Glavna vrata stari grad Kotor
10:00 Start (pojedinačan start na svakih 30 sekundi po rednim brojevima) - Glavna vrata stari grad Kotor
12:00-13:30 Ručak za sve učesnike (uključeno u startni paket)
13:30 Dodjela nagrada, završna ceremonija
13:45 Polazak autobusa na relaciji Krstac - stari grad Kotor (uključeno u startni paket)

* Svi takmičari koji završe trku dobijaju FINISHER medalju
* TOP 3 (M i Ž) dobijaju trofeje
* 1. 2. i 3. mjesto u starosnim kategorijama dobijaju diplome

TOP 3 apsolutno M i Ž
M18-29 (1994-2005) Ž18-29 (1994-2005)
M30-39 (1984-1993) Ž30-39 (1984-1993)
M40-49 (1974-1983) Ž40-49 (1974-1983)
M50-59 (1964-1973) Ž50-59 (1964-1973)
M60+ (rođeni 1963 i stariji) Ž60+ (rođeni 1963 i stariji)
* Mlađima od navršenih 18 godina NIJE dozvoljeno učešće

* Refundacija je moguća samo u slučaju otkazivanja Kotor Vertical EXTREME 2023
* U slučaju otkazivanja Kotor Vertical EXTREME 2023, registraciju je moguće prenijeti na narednu godinu
* Refundacija nije moguća u slučaju pomjeranja datuma održavanja Kotor Vertical EXTREME 2023 za neki drugi datum tekuće godine

* Prijave se vrše ONLINE
* Za prijave do 21.03.2022 iznos startnine je 20.00€, nakon toga iznosi 25.00€
* Prijave su otvorene do 01.04.2022
Kotor (old town) -> Pertingrad
Length: 2.8km
Elevation: 1007m
Strava segment: https://www.strava.com/segments/31029854

SUNDAY, 2nd April 2022.
08:00-10:00 Participants check-in (start package/bib pick-up) - old town Kotor main entrance
10:00 Start (individual start every 30 seconds) - old town Kotor main entrance
12:00-13:30 Lunch for all participants at Krstac (included in start package)
13:30 Award ceremony at the restaurant
13:45 Bus ride from Krstac to old town Kotor (included in start package)

* Each participant who finishes the race will receive a FINISHER medal
* Overall winners (M and F) will receive trophies
* 1st 2nd i 3rd place in age groups will receive a diploma

TOP 3 overall M and F
M18-29 (1994-2005) Ž18-29 (1994-2005)
M30-39 (1984-1993) Ž30-39 (1984-1993)
M40-49 (1974-1983) Ž40-49 (1974-1983)
M50-59 (1964-1973) Ž50-59 (1964-1973)
M60+ (born 1963 and older) Ž60+ (born 1963 and older)
* Teenagers under the age of 18 are NOT allowed to participate

* Refund is available only in case of cancellation of Kotor Vertical EXTREME 2023
* In case of event cancellation, it is possible to transfer registration for next year
* Refund is not available in case of postponing Kotor Vertical EXTREME 2023 for another date of the current year

* Registration is open ONLINE
* Participation fee until 21.03.2022 is 20.00€ and after that date, the price will be increased to 25.00€
* Registration is open until 01.04.2022